Every year in the secret realm of Bunnyville, magical creatures from around the world gather for their annual summit. This is supposed to be a time to reconnect with old and new friends, but this year someone (or some creature!) has stolen the Easter Bunny’s magical golden egg!
Kids and adults can both enjoy this enchanted game featuring creatures like fairies, dragons, mermaids, and of course the Easter Bunny! Who might have taken the magical golden egg- and why?!
Was it the Easter Bunny's jealous and aspirational younger sibling, Hop P. Bunny? Could one of the summit attendees be hiding something, like a desperate desire for MORE magic? Maybe someone thought that the gold could be turned around for some quick cash?
There’s only one way to find out who did it- play THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING GOLDEN EGG!
Appropriate for ages 10+! This game takes 1-2 hours to play depending on your group size.
Click the button below to access the Google Drive folder and download all your game files.
To read more about each character, and access the specific character scripts, click the character names below.
You may play with any number and combination of these characters. Please note that characters with a star next to their name will be mentioned in the evidence, we suggest assigning those roles first. While not required for a successful game, they are reccommended to avoid confusion.
Recommended Gender: Open
Character Description: The Easter Bunny, guardian of the Magical Golden Egg
Character Description: The Easter Bunny's right hand fowl. Lead detective. If this character is cast, they can use the Evidence Booklet as their script.
This mystery is set in the secret realm of Bunnyville, an enchanted forest. Nature related deco, flowers, rainbows, and fairytale parephenaila abounds!
Suggested Themed Cocktail!
Strawberry Cucumber Limeade Mocktail
First, prepare your glass by adding sugar sprinkles to one side of the rim using a little brush of honey or simple syrup. In your glass, combine the juice of two limes, 1 tablespoon simple syrup, and ice.Stir and top off with club soda. Add cucumbers, strawberries, and mint for garnish. Enjoy!
fresh strawberry slices
fresh cucumber slices
2 fresh limes
fresh mint or basil leaves
sugar sprinkles for garnish
simple syrup
club soda
Suggested Decorum Amazon Links!
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